Striving to Live The Pure Way in a Sterilized World
In my mind, I was thinking, “Oh no, no! I dodged that bullet already sir,” I held back the laughter, but what a cosmic joke.
The [Pure] way of the womb: Part IV
Read Part I, Part II, and Part III here! THREE CYCLES! Three moon cycles I've flowed through, without taking any pills from a little plastic bottle from the pharmacy. Absolutely no pain relievers. I...
The [Pure] way of the womb: Part III
Read Part I here and part II here! The experience at the Women's Herbal Symposium gave me strength. The power of belief overrides everything else. This is, in and of itself is a belief! This is my...
The [Pure] way of the womb: Part II
Read Part I here. This is the voice note I recorded after the lymphatic breast massage at the Women’s Herbal Symposium in May of 2017: I feel like the luckiest person in the world right now! I’m...
The [Pure] way of the womb: Part I
Maybe I can find morphine… It’s a thought that has crossed my mind every single month at least once, while I’m laying in bed writhing in pain during my menstrual cycle. It’s embarrassing to be...
Purify Your Closet: Conscious, Comfortable Clothing for Your Temple
VOTE WITH YOUR DOLLARS! Have you ever heard this phrase? I may have to just dedicate an entire section of The Pure Way to dollar voting! This is-hands down-one of the most important practices of my...
3 minutes to remedy back pain
She's spineless! Have you ever heard this saying? I haven't heard it more than a handful of times in my short life, but I know that it's not endearing in the least. I looked up the definition just...
5 minutes to remedy joint pain
How does your body feel right now? Notice if you feel light and pain free, calm. Maybe you aren't completely pain free? A little stiff in the neck or shoulders, or lower back? If you're holding any...
A psychedelic experience while floating in a sensory deprivation tank
Floating in the womb... Can you remember? Some say they can and if you’re one of them, contact me! I can’t say that this is a vivid memory for me. My imagination leads me to believe that it’s...