Have you ever bathed in rose petals? Did a visual come to mind? I always think of candles, or dim, sexy “mood” lighting, soft music playing and a glass of champagne. This is likely a scene from one of the hundreds of romantic films I can recall. Every morning, I mist my eyes and face with rose water, and it’s an important part of my morning ritual, though I haven’t spent much time with the origin of this heavenly scent. Truth be told, last night was the first time it all clicked for me. Now, I’ve taken a few luxurious baths in my life-and some certainly included rose petals, fancy soaps and salts. However, last night I created this whole ritual for myself.

May 19, 2017 marked nine years for Joe and I. We celebrated our anniversary with an incredible meal and attended a “cheeky” evening performance that deserves it’s own post. He bought me roses that were just about ready to retire, so I plucked the delicate pink-edged petals and composted the stems. Joe also bought me a beautiful purple orchid lei for my graduation that happened to be the day after our anniversary. I had all of these beautiful flowers that I really wanted to fully appreciate before letting them go.

I cleaned the bathtub with our awesome biodegradable powder, which I rarely do (full disclosure here); as our house cleaner does a stellar job, just often enough. I brought my citrine and amethyst crystals in to adorn the space, lit some Palo Santo and three beeswax candle and threw in yet another gift from Joe; a rose scented bath bomb with a sweet aroma so bold it filled the entire house! With intention, I set the space. I imagined that I was creating an altar for a divine goddess to come and pray. I placed each purple orchid around the edge of the tub to display it’s beauty, and crown the pink pool of rose petals. It completely transformed our tiny bathroom! I was so happy with the space, that I wanted to share it! I had to remind myself, that I was doing this to honor me-to take care of myself, to LOVE myself! This wasn’t for anyone else, this was for me. The intention was to accept my own gift. This wasn’t only a way to honor myself and create a pleasing visual, rose petals have real benefits!

Rose petals steeped in a warm bath can:

  • relax the muscles
  • calm and sooth nerves
  • moisturizing and cool the skin

The petal bath can leave you feeling as if the body has truly been kissed by a rose! Studies show numerous profound effects:

  • nerve growth
  • anxiety reduction
  • antidepressant
  • anti-inflammatory
  • pain relief

…and more! 

An endless list of benefits was something I researched after this sensuous ritual. The gift of experiencing the effects, physically and mentally was that much more rewarding when I fully understood the miraculous power of this delicate flower. Rose petal bathing is so much more than a sexy scene from a film! Yet another reminder that plants are medicine, and nature provides all that we need for healing and health. 


The Pure Way is all about living a life that allows you to feel incredible in your body, because it’s your one precious temple in this lifetime!