The [Pure] way of the womb: Part IV

The [Pure] way of the womb: Part IV

Read Part I, Part II, and Part III here! THREE CYCLES! Three moon cycles I've flowed through, without taking any pills from a little plastic bottle from the pharmacy. Absolutely no pain relievers. I...

The [Pure] way of the womb: Part III

The [Pure] way of the womb: Part III

Read Part I here and part II here! The experience at the Women's Herbal Symposium gave me strength. The power of belief overrides everything else. This is, in and of itself is a belief! This is my...

The [Pure] way of the womb: Part II

The [Pure] way of the womb: Part II

Read Part I here.  This is the voice note I recorded after the lymphatic breast massage at the Women’s Herbal Symposium in May of 2017: I feel like the luckiest person in the world right now! I’m...

The [Pure] way of the womb: Part I

The [Pure] way of the womb: Part I

Maybe I can find morphine… It’s a thought that has crossed my mind every single month at least once, while I’m laying in bed writhing in pain during my menstrual cycle. It’s embarrassing to be...

3 minutes to remedy back pain

She's spineless! Have you ever heard this saying? I haven't heard it more than a handful of times in my short life, but I know that it's not endearing in the least. I looked up the definition just...

5 minutes to remedy joint pain

How does your body feel right now? Notice if you feel light and pain free, calm. Maybe you aren't completely pain free? A little stiff in the neck or shoulders, or lower back? If you're holding any...